Department of Psychology


Department of Psychology

The central purpose of the Department of Psychology is to train experts in clinical psychology to serve in clinics as counsellor mainly to provide guidance on personal and social or psychological problems of high school and university students. Conducting research, assessments as well as applying principles, methods and theories of psychology to teaching, counselling, psychotherapy etc. are among the other goals followed by the department.

History of the Psychology Department
Psychology department of the Faculty of Education and Psychology is one of the old groups at University of Tabriz that has always been known in Iran’s psychology and famous psychologists have served in this group. Psychology laboratory of Tabriz University is one of the oldest laboratories in this field in Iran. After the revolution, psychology group has been fundamentally changed, and by attracting the most talented Ph.D. graduates of the different fields of psychology inside and outside universities, has become one of the strongest psychology groups in Iran. Right now, in this group, in all three sections of BA, MA and Ph.D. students are accepted and trained. In BA: Clinical Psychology, in MA: General Psychology, Clinical Psychology and Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, and in Ph.D., Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience have been established, and accept students actively. In Psychology group there are two laboratories of Psychology and Neuroscience. In the composition of faculty members there are six people with Professor Degree, four with Associated Professor Degree, and three with Assistant Professor Degree. Regarding to the combination of scientific and technical members: two Clinical Psychologists, two Health Psychologists, one Counselor psychologist, two Educational Psychologists, three general Psychologists, and two Neuroscientists are working in the group.   

Introducing the established fields of psychology at the University of Tabriz
MA of General Psychology
General Psychology is a branch of humanities that is related to recognition of the psychological issues such as the reason of human behavior, how to use psychology in Education, recognition of normal and abnormal children, and application of Psychology in Psycho-social issues. At the University of Tabriz, MA of General Psychology is established (../../..) up to now. The purpose of the MA of Psychology is to create the necessary skills in those who are serving in educational and research activities of different organizations and institutions of the Islamic Republic as well as in universities. Graduates acquire the necessary capabilities in the following cases:

-Providing psychological services in different diagnostic and therapeutic institutions
-Research activities in different fields of General Psychology
-Accepting services and research responsibilities in public institutions
-Preparation for higher education to supply University faculty and other scientific-research centers and so on
MA of General Psychology’s graduates of Tabriz University who are accepted at higher levels of this field at Tabriz University and other universities, often, are serving in universities and various research centers of the province, as well as, other areas of the country.
At the moment, due to the lack of psychologist at different levels, especially in the diagnosis and treatment in rehabilitation institutions, Tabriz University can give attention to deficiency in this field by training experts of psychology. According to the number and composition of the faculty of the Psychology Department of Tabriz University, there are good capacities for entrance of MA volunteers and training experts in this field.

Clinical Psychology and Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology
Clinical Psychology is applied field of psychology that its main issue on one hand, is to examine the causes of the formation of psychopathology and on the other hand is to develop effective intervention strategies to help people with psychological problems. Often, Clinical psychologists are trained in four domains of psychopathology, theories and techniques of psychotherapy, methods of clinical diagnosis, and research about special issues of Clinical Psychology. At University of Tabriz, BA of Clinical Psychology is established following the reopening of universities in 1983 and has continued yet.

Graduates of Clinical Psychology at Tabriz University, who are accepted at higher levels of this field and in other universities, always are known as active, talented, clever and motivated, and in this respect would have been proud of the Department of Psychology of Tabriz University. MA of the Clinical Psychology of Tabriz University is established 2005 and MA of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology 2007 and graduates of them are served around the country. With regard to the faculty’s combination of the department of psychology, there are good opportunities for applicants of entrance to MA courses of the two disciplines at University of Tabriz. Right now, a significant number of Ph.D. students of Clinical Psychology are consisted of MA graduates of Tabriz University. 

Syllabus of Psychology (for see pleasce click)

Department of Psychology Members
  First name Family name Specilalty/ study Academeic rank Resume Phone & Email to see more click on pictures
1 Jalil Babapour Ph. D in Psychology Professor reume


2 Abbas Bakhshipor Ph. D in Clinical Psychology Professor resume


3 Mansour Beyrami Ph. D in Educational Psychology Professor resume


4 Khalil Esmaeelpour Ph. D in Consulting Psychology  Professor


5 Rasou Heshmati Ph. D in Health Psychology Professor resume  +98-4133392117
6 Touraj Hashemi Ph. D in Educational Psychology Professor resume


7 Zeynab Khanjani Ph. D in Psychology Professor resume


8 Majid Mahmoud Alilou Ph. D in Clinical Psychology Professor resume


9 Naimeh Mashinchi Abbasi Ph. D in Cognitive Neuro Science Assistant Professor


10 Fateme Nemati Ph. D in General Psychology Associate Professor reusme


11 Mostafa zarean Ph. D in Clinical Psychology Associate Professor resume +98-4133392098


Last Update At : 22 April 2024